Online Narratives in Moldova: Key Trends from the Election and Referendum

Echipa NewsVibe

08 Nov 2024

Using NewsVibe's advanced AI-powered media monitoring, this Center for Civic Participation and Democracy (CPD) report analyzes how online discussions in Moldova evolved during a politically charged month. By tracking the mentions related to Russia and the EU, NewsVibe identified key peaks in visibility and impact, revealing how narratives around these geopolitical actors shaped digital conversations.

Geopolitical Radar
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This concise trend report explores Moldova’s digital environment during a pivotal period marked by the presidential election campaign and the EU referendum debate. It highlights how discussions surrounding the EU and Russia have influenced online narratives. The insights presented are derived exclusively from relevant online sources within the Republic of Moldova.

Digital dynamics 3
Impact and visibility comparison between the EU and Russia in Moldovan relevant online sources, Oct 2024. Source: CPD (
Mentions of Russia were somewhat higher, reaching 4,025 (accounting for 52% of mentions involving both actors), compared to 3,637 references to the EU (48%) over a 31-day period.
Mentions of Russia peaked on October 8, coinciding with discussions on Moldova’s overseas election logistics and increased coverage of the Ukraine conflict.
EU-related discussions reached their highest point on October 21, the day after the critical EU referendum, making it the most prominent moment for EU mentions.
Digital dynamics 4
Visibility comparison between the EU and Russia in Moldovan relevant online sources, Oct 2024. Source: CPD (

While both topics maintained a strong online presence, mentions of Russia generated a wider reach, with an estimated 7.9 million visualizations compared to 7.3 million for the EU.

The wider reach of Russia-related mentions indicates that discussions surrounding Russia gained stronger traction in Moldova’s digital space during this highly sensitive period, leading up to the decisive second round of the election next Sunday.

Disclaimer: The insights and graphs quoted above were extracted from a report written by the CPD team using NewsVibe data. The report can be accessed at

The analysis of Moldova’s digital discourse highlights the growing influence of geopolitical discussions, particularly regarding the EU and Russia, in shaping public opinion. By leveraging online monitoring, this report offers a data-driven perspective on how electoral events and referendums have structured digital conversations across Moldova.

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