How to Use the COMPARE Feature

The COMPARE feature in NewsVibe allows you to analyze and compare multiple saved reports to understand their impact and mentions over a predefined period. Here’s how to use this powerful tool effectively.

Steps to Compare Reports

  1. Select Reports
    • Choose between 2 and 5 saved reports that you want to compare.
  2. Define the Time Period
    • Select the time period for comparison (e.g., one week, one month, or longer).
  3. View Graphical Comparisons
    • Total Mentions and Pie Chart: See a total count of mentions and a PieChart showing the overall share of each report in the conversation.
    • Hits Comparison: Compare the number of mentions for the selected period to see which report dominated the conversation.
    • Impact Comparison: Compare the estimated potential impact of each report to understand which had the greater audience reach.
    • Daily Acceleration Comparison: Analyze the daily acceleration to identify which report had the most significant day-to-day changes in conversation activity.
    • Weekly Acceleration Comparison: Examine the weekly acceleration to see which report had the most substantial week-to-week changes, reflecting long-term impact dynamics.

Detailed Graph Descriptions

  1. Total Mentions and PieChart
    • Total Mentions: Displays the cumulative number of mentions across all selected reports, and for the selected period of time.
    • PieChart: Visual representation of each Report’s share in the overall conversation, providing a quick overview of dominance.
  2. Hits Comparison
    • Graph: Line chart showing the number of mentions for each report over the selected period.
    • Purpose: Helps identify which report consistently appeared in conversations more frequently.
  3. Impact Comparison
    • Graph: Line chart displaying the estimated potential impact for each report.
    • Purpose: Shows which report reached a broader audience and had a higher potential impact.
  4. Daily Acceleration Comparison
    • Graph: Line chart indicating daily changes (positive or negative) in conversation activity for each report.
    • Purpose: Highlights which report had the most noticeable day-to-day changes, indicating spikes in interest or activity.
  5. Weekly Acceleration Comparison
    • Graph: Line chart showing weekly changes in conversation activity for each report.
    • Purpose: Reflects long-term trends and significant shifts in conversation dynamics, important for evaluating sustained impact.

Real-Time Data Analysis

The COMPARE feature leverages NewsVibe’s real-time data analysis technology to provide up-to-date insights. This tool is invaluable for differentiating between keywords or custom lists being compared, offering a clear understanding of conversation dynamics in competitive or polemic contexts.

Benefits of Using the COMPARE Feature

  • Understand Dynamics: Gain insights into the strong conversational dynamics between different topics or lists.
  • Identify Dominance: Determine which topics or lists are leading the conversation.
  • Evaluate Impact: Assess the potential reach and impact of each topic or list.
  • Monitor Trends: Track daily and weekly trends to see how the conversation evolves over time.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Use the detailed comparisons to inform your strategies and decisions.

By using the COMPARE feature daily, you can keep a close eye on the evolving dynamics of conversations, helping you stay ahead in competitive or polemic contexts.

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