How to Search

Searching effectively in NewsVibe can greatly enhance the relevance and precision of the information you retrieve. Below are some key principles of Boolean search and examples to help you refine your searches.

Basic Search Principles

One word

Simply input a single keyword to get all articles containing that word.
Example: fotbal

All of these words

Use multiple words without any special characters to find articles containing all the specified words, regardless of their order.

Example: alegeri primar Romania

Any of these words

Separate words with commas to retrieve articles containing any of the specified words.

Example: alegeri, primar, Romania, România

Exact word or phrase (quote)

Enclose a phrase in quotes to find articles containing the exact phrase as typed.

Example: "CFR Cluj"

Multiple keywords

Combine different keywords or phrases to broaden your search within specific contexts.

Example: "CFR Cluj", fotbal Cluj, sport Cluj

Diacritics matter. In searches involving Romanian text, including variations with and without diacritics can yield more comprehensive results.

Example: with diacritics: știri, without diacritics: stiri

Why Prefer Precise Searches?

Using precise searches helps you:

  • Save Time: Quickly find the most relevant articles.
  • Enhance Relevance: Focus on the most pertinent data without sifting through unrelated content.
  • Improve Insights: Gain more accurate insights for decision-making.

By mastering these search techniques, you can leverage NewsVibe to its full potential, ensuring you get the most accurate and useful information.

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