Explore the Content: The STATS

The STATS page in NewsVibe provides a detailed overview of the most important metrics related to your topic. It offers both quantitative trends and qualitative AI-based insights to help you understand and analyze the data effectively. Here are the key statistics and features available:

Impact Analysis

  • Graph Explanation: Visual representation of hits and their impact.
  • Details: Shows the evolution of the topic over time, including the volume of mentions and their potential reach across sources.
  • Help Icon: Click to see how impact is calculated.

Data Filters

  • Hits by Channel: View how the number of mentions differs between web sources and Facebook sources.
  • Impact by Channel: Available only for saved reports, this shows the potential impact separately for web sources and Facebook sources.


  • Daily Trends (for Saved Reports Only): Shows daily acceleration of the topic, where acceleration means increased activity compared to previous daily averages over the last weeks.
  • Weekly Trends (for Saved Reports Only): Shows weekly acceleration of the topic, where acceleration means increased activity compared to previous weekly averages over the last months.

Top Sources

  • Ranking: Sources are ranked by the number of mentions, impact score, and trend score.
  • Filtering: Click on a criterion to filter top sources by that metric.


  • Definition: Number of articles or posts in which your topic was mentioned.


  • Definition: Acceleration of the topic in a source compared to the previous average of the topic in that source.


  • Definition: Potential reach of your topic mentions in each source.

One Source: Source Stats ADD ON

  • Information: Details about one selected media source, including potential reach, activity, and rhythm.

Top Lists

  • Custom Lists: NewsVibe custom links ranked by the total number of hits for your topic.

Keyword Cloud

  • By hits: Displays the most used entities (names, places, etc.) from this topic.
  • Trend: Click ‘Trend’ to see which terms are gaining popularity recently.

Hashtag Cloud

  • By hits: Shows leading hashtags from your articles.
  • Trend: Click ‘Trend’ to see which hashtags are gaining popularity recently.

Category Cloud

  • AI-Powered: Word cloud showing relevant categories for the conversation.
  • Trend: Shows rapidly emerging categories. Click on a category to filter content exclusively for it.

Emoji Cloud

  • Emotional Aspect: Displays top emojis used in discussions about your theme.
  • Trend: Click ‘Trend’ to see which emojis are gaining popularity recently.

Activity Map

  • Local Coverage: Click to see how local sources cover your topic, illustrating the geographical distribution of content from local sources.

Navigation Options

  • FEEDS: Return to the FEED page to see all mentions.
  • REPORTS: Navigate to the REPORTS section to view other saved reports.
  • COMPARE: Go to the COMPARE section to compare multiple different reports.

Benefits of Using STATS

  • Comprehensive Overview: Get a clear and detailed understanding of your topic’s metrics.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Use quantitative trends and qualitative AI-based insights to make informed decisions.
  • Real-Time Updates: Stay updated with the latest data and trends related to your topic.

Advanced AI and ML Algorithms

The statistics are generated with the help of advanced AI algorithms, specially trained to identify categories, evaluate impact, and detect trends. These AI and ML algorithms enhance the analysis and provide rapid understanding of the conversation, enabling quick comprehension of large volumes of data.

By utilizing the STATS page in NewsVibe, you can gain a deeper understanding of your topic and make better-informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis.

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